Conclusions and References
Overall conclusions
In this project we have illustrated that it was possible to use the Place-Temporality method of Wunderlich (2013) to study a public space. To our knowledge this has not been applied to the study of spaces in Sweden before, nor has it been used in larger and less-defined spaces like Gröningen. We also tried to use senses other than visual in these analyses and found that this was essential and necessary. In particular, the sense of sound and proprioception often explained the place-tonality of a site and without this it would not have been possible to make any conclusions regarding sense of time. Proprioception was not used by Wunderlich and with this project we would like to suggest a further use of this to facilitate understanding of the experience of space.The Place-Temporality method is time-consuming in that many iterations are needed to truly understand a given place. But it adds further information compared to a Gehl analysis as it tries to understand the interaction between people and their environment. Even though we performed a single analysis for each of the 3 sites, we still gained valuable information that could be useful in the evaluation of those spaces. Given the time limitations of the course, it was only possible to make site visits under a single season and short time period. With more time we would have made more iterations of the method. However, since the goal of this study was to try the method and see whether it was possible to perform a rhythmanalysis, the time limitation was less of an issue.
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